* No garbage out = $323 fixed charge = no change in waste behaviour
When Elizabeth Barret Browning asked in the opening lines of her sonnet, “How do I love thee?” she answered, “Let me count the ways”.
So, some 200 years later, Chippendale, where I live and love being, may I ask about you, “How much garbage is here?”, and answer, “Let me count your garbage.”.
The local council, Sydney City Council, said in Table 2.3a of its contract for garbage that, “The city’s Garbage Waste Bins as at mid-2017” were . . . and counted them thus:
• Extract from Sydney City Council’s garbage contract offered for tender in 2021
As such tables send me to sleep here are the Chippendale figures presented in a way so as to keep me awake:
Chippendale bin and capacity (in litres) numbers:
note – a “single occupancy premise” is a terrace, a “multioccupancy premise’ is a block of units.
To get total garbage capacity in litres I’ve multiplied the number of premises by the capacity of the bins
Using those figures above which I’ve transposed from the Council’s table copied from its tender contract, Chippendale’s garbage capacity of bins collected each week is 232,220 litres.
Hmmm. So . . .
If Chippendale’s garbage bin capacity is 232,220 litres and weighs between, say, 5 to 10 kg a bin then my much-loved place tosses out around . . .
1,161,100 kg or 1160 tonnes to
2,322,200 kg or 2,322 tonnes of garbage each week.
Aaah, Chippendale, I love thee nonethess.
Michael (still counting after all these years)
That poem, How do I love thee -
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.”
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806 – 1861