• Tokyo city, Japan
Coco is living and studying in Sydney, a long way from her home in Tokyo, Japan
And Coco is learning to garden in the streets of Chippendale, to gather and understand data about food, and is finding some big differences between life here and in Tokyo.
For readers who speak and write Japanese, Coco has provided a Japanese language version below.
What I felt after coming to Australia
Tokyo, where I have spent all my life before coming to Australia, is 3925 km2 large and has 44 million population in its greater city area. It’s approximately 2.5 times larger than the greater London area and has more people than the whole population in Australia.
The city has lots of buildings and stores densely packed and always crowded with lots of people. It has unique culture and history in each part of Tokyo and we can visit rich nature places next to city area in less than 2 hours by train.
• Enjoying night drive in Tokyo
• Coming of age ceremony: taken in one shrine located in the very central part of Tokyo
• Me - In Okutama, Tokyo
• In Miura, Kanagawa Prefecture next to Tokyo
Compared to my home country Japan, Australia seems to be a more sustainably advanced country in its city greening policy and people’s recognition for sustainability and nature conservation.
• Bay area in Toyosu, Tokyo
• Bay area in Glebe, Sydney
Currently, I’m studying environmental planning and policy at university, and did a field trip to research environmental resource management policies and efforts in the local area. I realised that there were much more efforts made to improve local environment and to mitigate climate change impacts. I feel like there are more sustainable options in Australia if we make our mind to go green.
When I went to the cleaning product section at one of the most common grocery stores in Sydney, I was surprised at the number of nature-friendly products and that they’re sold at almost same price as the other products.
• More recycling and organic and lower chemicals in Australian products than those in in Japan
Back in Japan, I didn’t see as many products as in Australia made to care for the earth in general chemists or grocery stores.
For the past few months, I have been working with compost and Michael Mobbs in the Chippendale community, about half an hour’s walk from the Sydney central business district.
Before I started gardening and composting here I didn’t know about compost.
And I was surprised to know that its common to use biodegradable products such as compostable bags, wooden cutlery, and paper straw and to recycle them through composting.
In Japan, there are a lot of plastic products still in use and they are usually collected as combustible waste and will be burnt up.
• Recycled and compostable products in Sydney, Australia
• Fully recyclable and compostable coffee bean bag, compostable corn starch bag with salad, compostable magazine cover in Australia
• Even recycling and compostable options at the Sydney Turf Club
• Lots of separation of waste in Japan but most waste is burnt
Japan is famous for its strict separation for waste and has lots of separation in recyclable waste, but I’ve never seen a garbage bin for compostable materials like I’ve seen in the streets and some buildings.
In Japan, most people might recognise the need to adapt to climate change and make a movement, commercial aspect tend to be put more priority. Mass production with fast lifecycle of goods and over packaging are still common.
How compost experience changed the way of thinking for the environment
Sometimes sustainability is taken or used as a self-branding to show that you are a good person on social media, or used for marketing. I always had an impression that sustainability was a beautiful thing that seems to be hard to be fully immersed in.
One thing here has made me want to do more sustainable things in my everyday life - that is what I’m doing every week, ‘composting’. I was a little shocked when I first did compost because it seems to be very hard for me to get used to the bugs and garbage in the compost. I wrote about it in my first blog.
• I’m tracking the amount of food waste I’m composting and the amount of climate pollution I’m preventing using the coolseats calculator
* The calculator tells me I’ve stopped over a thousand kgs of climate pollution
Above are images from my coolseats calculator, that shows how much food waste I have composted and how much carbon emissions I have prevented. I put compost from each day in one section. Overall, I have composted 820kg of food waste and avoided 1690kg of CO2 emissions.
After starting composting, every other thing I can do for the environment is not difficult.
Also, I learned that compost creates a new cycle of nature in our urban lives, which is a very important part of making a sustainable urban city. I have come to question if this or that is compostable or not when I buy and use something.
Garbage and waste might be an aspect of life that people want to hide away from Instagram and other social media. But I thought even if they’re not very clean and aesthetic, composting is a beautiful thing that supports and creates life on earth including us.
As I talk to a lot of people in Australia, I have been impressed by how Australian people feel nature should be close to their life and keenly work on nature conservation.
I felt that the biggest difference between Australian and Japanese people’s ideas about environment protection comes from the difference in how much interaction with nature they have had.
When I was a child, I felt like trees and soil are things that exist in a park and animals live in a house as a pet or in a zoo. I gradually learned that it is not true in many places, but still it was difficult for me to feel nature in an everyday life in Tokyo, as I needed to visit somewhere to feel dynamic nature.
I have learned a lot of things from my friends and family who I live with. I started to use stackable and reusable cup after some of my friends suggested I use it. I did not hesitate to buy it because I already knew how to use it and that we could get discounts in some cafés with a bring-your-own cup.
Hearing from somebody can make it easier to start a sustainable life by encouraging people to feel things that seems to be a big step an easy thing. I hope my blog here helps you take a small step, too.
• At Sydney University we can find recycling, re-use coffee cups
For my Japanese friends and those who speak and write Japanese I’ve put my blog above into Japanese below.
Coco (being green in Sydney)
これはCoolseats calculatorで、今までコンポストしてきたフードロスのとそれによって削減された二酸化炭素の量を示しています。全体で、820kgの食べ物ゴミをコンポストしてきて、それによって1690kgの二酸化炭素を減らしてきました。