How can you share your opinion and join a conversation for change and action?
Several communities are working together to provide virtual ‘town hall’ meetings. Each month we discuss solutions to grow our communities wherever we live here in Australia or anywhere.
Some of us meet in person at the place where the event is broadcast live. But most of us join from their phone or laptop wherever they live in Australia or overseas.
Join us for the next one this month and give it a go to see if it works for you?
From 7 to 8 pm on Thursday 21 January 2021 you and anyone may join us from your computer at home to see and talk about what’s being done in the city and the country to end food waste; it’s free.
Food waste pollution graphed as a country = third largest climate polluting country after China and the US
To join just register to Watch and participate LIVE here.
• Community meeting for anyone anywhere to join - how to end food waste, cool our streets and why
For an hour on Thursday night, 21 January 2021 people from all over the country and overseas can join a conversation about how and why to end food waste at home or cafes.
This exciting new technology lets us share ideas from the safety of our homes.
No, its not Skype, Zoom, etc.
It’s like a news broadcast where stories are beamed in from reporters on site; the difference is, we’re making our own news and each of us can be a reporter or a listener or viewer or all three. Yes, its free.
See you there; to join just register to Watch and participate LIVE here.
Councillor Linda Scott, President of the Australian Local Government Association, Local Government NSW and a Councillor at the City of Sydney
Kristina Ulm, PhD candidate. Kristina's PhD is about informal urban food gardening in Sydney.
No food waste here - city champion cafe -Stefan, Cafe Giulia Chippendale.
No food waste here - country champion cafe - Joint presentation: Chris Ringrose, Harvest Cafe Bathurst, Councillor John Fry, Bathurst Regional Council
More of these town hall meetings coming.
Each month we broadcast our town hall for people anywhere. The next town hall event will be in February 2021 and the date and topic will be announced this month for you to visit and stay up to date on the venue’s website.
It would be terrific if you could let me know of a topic and speakers you’ld like for a town hall meeting; this town hall is for us all to grow and to contribute to each month - just email me, please.
Anyone may join from your home or office and may register at any time or view previous town hall events on the site, here.
See you there. I’m looking forward to our conversation and to growing our voices, thank you.