Here's a summary of the road garden I designed, obtained approval for and this month with others built in Bondi Beach.
• Summary of how to make a more natural, self-watering nature strip
The garden keeps the rain that falls on or drains to it and is mostly self-watering.
An absorption pipe (called a ‘slotted pipe’) is buried about 150 mm below ground level and as it is covered with geofabric the void inside absorbs and disperses rain water from above, including from the adjoining footpath. Cuts irrigation from above by over 80% as there’s little evaporation and the water is where the plant roots need it - below ground where they are.
Contact me if you would like me to design, get approval for or build your road or other garden.
Turning food waste into soil is now one of the easiest, cleanest quickest ways of cutting air pollution and slowing climate pollution.
I would love to explain and or arrange the purchase for you if you wish to get a two in one solution for your garden.
Gardening is such fun: 0424 460 525 or