"Crikey, I'm exhausted . . .", "I can do this . . . ", "Amazing . . . ".
The four day day intensive workshops over three weeks in July and August finished Sunday 6 August. (See below for dates and bookings for next Low Bills Living Course.)
We were privileged to have the knowledge and guidance of highly experienced presenters in the fields of solar and battery (Brian English, Damien Griffiths), building and contracts (John Cameron), IKEA's country manager for sustainability in Australia (Kate Ringvall), an inspiring story teller who inspired and showed us how to tell our stories to ourselves, friends, project team and the world (Sara Rickards), wonderful local food and catering (Cafe Guilia, Alfie's Kitchen).
• Working table for Low Bills Living Course
The intensive workshops left the eight of us and myself exhilarated and re-energised. We made new friends, and now we have backup mates to support each other as five households move to low bills living.
Two architects from Euroa, Victoria, shared the course, one of whom, Zvonko, travelled to and from Sydney by Train.
• We mixed food, conversation, detailed descriptions of products, materials, costs with laughter, ideas and shared information
In 2015, Zvonko and Kathi moved from an inner city suburb in the west of Melbourne (approx 5 k out) where they lived in a renovated California bungalow with their two adult children, a crazy dog, an aging cat, great friends and, of course, close proximity to the city, to the small regional town of Euroa, approximately 2 hours north of town.
• During the course Fiona's local council arranged and paid for a street artist to paint her wall - do the Low Bills Course and magic happens.
• Laura, Fiona, Tony, Michael with desert harvested from local streets and community gardens by Alfie's Kitchen. It was tough.
From Petersham, Sydney, Fiona Little, is putting solar, rain water and other energy and water systems into her terrace.
From Newtown, Laura will mostly demolish and renovate her terrace to achieve low bills.
In Canberra, Maree and her four person family has already begun to achieve low bills with chooks, bees and a productive garden but the old house needs more light, rainwater harvesting and recycled water, solar energy and healthy materials.
On a beautiful farm out near Oberon, NSW, Donna wishes to replace her three cabins which are available for rent with new and simple, beautiful and sustainable cabins that are warm, well-lit and easy to live in and to maintain.
From near Newcastle, Tony has a house with long walls facing the western and eastern sun and won the prize for the highest peak load - which he is now well on the way to reducing.
The next Low Bills Living Course is on:
- Saturday, Sunday 23 and 24 September, and
- Saturday, Sunday 7 and 8 October.
Book here.
• Gum leaves burnt to provide perfume, outer leaves of leeks burnt and all placed in the bowl while inner leeks stewed then placed on top of the burnt leek with finger-lime garnish on top. Local food at its best.