I’m Michael Mobbs, the Off-grid Guy.
Since 1996, 21 years ago, my four-person household has had energy and water bills less than $300 a year. Even when my two children were 6 and 10 years old, when the clothes washing machine went every other day, the bills here were less than $300 a year.
This four day course is offered by me to anyone who wants to live with low bills; course is $990 including GST. (My financial goal for you: I’m aiming to get each person doing the course a saving in their bills in the first three months which is at least equal to, and preferably, much more, than the course fee.)
You need no special skills or qualifications. The appliances, materials and designs are ordinary. Local trades can install and maintain them.
The kitchen in Sydney's Sustainable House
A low bills house is easy to build and to live in. You can expect energy and water bills less than $1000 for a four-person household.
We can go low bills in steps.
Rough rule of thumb: if you spend about $20,000 you will save $2000 to $4,000 a year in energy and water bills; spend about $10,000 and your savings will be about $1,000 to $2,000 a year.
We’ll choose options you prefer to start getting low household energy and water bills.
We’ll identify the details and options for your project. I’ll share the must-do, the options, the mistakes, and cost saving examples.
More details, to enrol please click here.