Children give an ecoPOPs to their mum for Xmas and her birthday
In Sydney’s west, Lorna Anderson’s children have given her an ecoPOPs for her birthday present.
Lorna is a keen gardener and she and Michael Mobbs, who sells the ecoPOPs, were at her house to take delivery of the ecoPOPs tanks.
The photos show:
- the tanks being delivered from the Blacktown factory of the Australian-owned and Australian steel fabricator, Tankworks;
- the sand beds on which the tanks are to be placed;
- the two truck drivers carrying the tanks from the truck to the sand beds; and
- the tanks in place with the drivers and Lorna.
The tanks make up the storage and garden beds of the self-watering garden that’s powered by the sun and a pump specially designed by Sydney University’s Professor Anthony Vassallo.
It took the drivers ten minutes to unload and assemble the tanks.
The solar powered pump and irrigation system and the supports for the garden beds are installed separately.
A mini ecoPOPs which stands as part statue, part self-maintaining garden in the plaza outside the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering is bursting with herbs and plants at Sydney Uni. When Lorna's is planted out it will burst twice as much because it has that much more garden space.
Information and purchase enquiries for ecoPOPs are here.